I decided to give myself a break and use the entire month of
January to get re-organized. Who takes on an organization project during the holidays? Okay,
not me. I was overwhelmed at the very idea of having to get it all straightened
out in the first few days of the year. So, I gave myself all month. February 1st is show time.
How disorganized had I become? My dresser drawers were a
ball of confusion. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Did I say that I did not care?
Not at all. After a bout with pneumonia that sneaked up on me and wore
me all the way out, all I cared about was clean linen and pajamas. It mattered
not at all which drawer they were shoved into. When I needed a pair of socks and found a mosh
of stuff in that drawer that included Christmas gift wrap, I decided that last Thursday
was the last day for that mess. Now every single drawer is in working order, with my
Christmas-present PJs sitting proudly in their rightful place. I do love my
Drawers organized. Check.
Don’t ask me how it happened, but I had this paper shopping
bag that was filling up with, well…paper. Bills, receipts, articles, cards to
be mailed, notes to self, etc. Writers are partial to paper, yes? I pay all of
my bills online, but I still get paper notices cuz I like it. I do. I digress. A paper bag y’all. I’m embarrassed. I think it got started on
one of those pneumonia days when, after huffing and puffing and coughing my way
up 27 stairs, I just started throwing stuff into the first thing I could find.
Good thing that wasn’t a trash can.
I knew I was feeling better when the rustle
of that paper bag (hidden between my nightstand and bed) began to make my flesh
crawl. On Friday I sat down and handled every piece of paper.
Trashed receipts. Consolidated notes to self. Opened envelopes. Found three, count ‘em, three
reimbursement checks from my health
care provider. And two credit notices
from utilities companies. There’s the case for opening stuff and not throwing
it out ‘cuz it’s the third envelope from the same company this month (yes, each
check came in a separate envelope).
Papers organized. Check.
On to the main closet. Twelve days to ground zero…
Happy New Year!